Just the Trike,
1st March 2013
The first day of March saw the RW PGM Peter Connolly lead a deputation of Mark Masons to the Isle of Walney to make a presentation to 12 year old Bailey Harding.
Bailey suffers from several disabling conditions which include hearing and vision problems.
The local press had carried an article outlining the fact that the young man was keen to have a cycle which would enable him to get out and about a bit more, but that the cost of over £1,000 was proving prohibitive. It was quickly decided that this was something the Mark Degree should do something about.
Peter said, “The Mark Charity has been enabled through the donations of Jubilee and Furness Mark Lodges to purchase the specially modified tricycle and make an immediate difference to the life of a Bailey. Anyone who witnessed the joy that the trike brings to him and his heartfelt gratitude cannot help but be touched.”
Above Right: front row Alan Jones, Bailey, Sam Harding, Peter Connolly
Back row Jon Harding, Ray Dickinson. Russ Greenhow, David Sear.
Left: Bailey proudly showing his trike
Peter was accompanied by Provincial Grand Charity Steward Alan Jones, Provincial GJW Russ Greenhow along with Ray Dickinson WM of Jubilee Mark Lodge and David Sear WM of Furness Mark Lodge.
Alan, who had liaised with the family throughout, added,” This is our charitable giving in action and is an example of what difference a relatively small sum of money can make.”
Medical staff had remarked that the apparatus would help with his mobility, co-ordination and stamina - just as importantly though it put a huge smile on his face.
Below left: Bailey showing his support for his team
Below : Bailey Jon and Peter
posing for the local press photographer.
Jon, Bailey’s father, remarked, “He’s already had it along Biggar Bank (a grassed area bordering the sea) and is getting very confident on it. A big thanks to the Mark Masons who made it possible.”
The last word is with Manchester United supporter Bailey who commented, “It’s the best present I’ve ever had.”
Article and Photograph Courtesy of David Sear